JTR Series JT Lead-Free Hot Air Reflow Oven
The insulation furnace design lowers the furnace shell temperature by 10-20 degrees, reducing the working environment temperature effectively.
A 15% increase in heat transfer efficiency meets lead-free process demands for complex, larger welding products.
Reinforce the main boom to prevent guide rail deformation, board sticking, or dropping.
The furnace's closed design protects nitrogen, keeping oxygen levels as low as 150ppm, with minimal nitrogen use (20-22m3/H in 300-800ppm oxygen).
95% machine materials are recyclable.
Enhanced cooling structure filters or recycles most exhaust gas back into the furnace, cutting heat loss and improving flux recovery.
Double rail setup boosts production efficiency, trims energy use, and lowers costs.
Working furnace temperature is low, minimizing heat loss.